InSwift2GobyEldar EliavEmbedding a Python interpreter inside a MacOS / iOS app, and publishing to the App Store…The struggle was realDec 3, 20229Dec 3, 20229
InTDS ArchivebyPracticus AIPrincipal Component Analysis: Your Tutorial and CodeYour data is the life-giving fuel to your Machine Learning model. There are always many ML techniques to choose from and apply to a…Nov 9, 20189Nov 9, 20189
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JJ DengHow to scrape Google for Images to train your Machine Learning classifiers onHow to quickly download pictures from Google Images then use Machine Learning to filter unwanted pictures.Feb 7, 20193Feb 7, 20193
InTDS ArchivebyRiley PredumBuilding Out Interactive Dashboards in Tableau — Employee TurnoverTableau is a graphical business intelligence and analytics platform, enabling people to quickly connect to a database and build plots…Feb 11, 20191Feb 11, 20191
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Navdeep SinghTransforming Pictures with Neural Style Transfer in iOSSince deep neural networks took off in 2012 with the winning ImageNet challenge of AlexNet, AI researchers have been applying deep learning…Jul 3, 20182Jul 3, 20182
InTDS ArchivebyChristopher MartínezHaving fun with NLP and Game of Thrones dialogues.Who is the most central character to the series?Mar 6, 2019Mar 6, 2019
InTDS ArchivebyJeff HalePump up the Volumes: Data in DockerPart 6 of Learn Enough Docker to be UsefulFeb 11, 20196Feb 11, 20196
Daniel StangStep by Step TensorFlow Object Detection API Tutorial — Part 2: Converting Existing Dataset to…At this point you have selected a pre-trained model that you want to adapt to a new object detection task. In this post I’ll show you how…Oct 6, 20177Oct 6, 20177
InTDS ArchivebyDale MarkowitzSoftware Developers: You’re Learning Machine Learning Upside DownMost of us learn Machine Learning from the ground up. But the skills developers need to be effective users of ML is something totally…Dec 17, 20194Dec 17, 20194
InTDS ArchivebyWill KoehrsenThe Next Level of Data Visualization in PythonHow to make great-looking, fully-interactive plots with a single line of PythonJan 9, 201974Jan 9, 201974
InAI GraduatebyPrateek KarkareDecision Trees — An Intuitive IntroductionA simple introduction to an elegant Machine Learning algorithm. Decision trees are simple yet powerful tool used across the industryJan 18, 201915Jan 18, 201915
InTDS ArchivebySusan LiTime Series of Price Anomaly DetectionAnomaly detection detects data points in data that does not fit well with the rest of the data.Jan 23, 201915Jan 23, 201915
InTDS ArchivebyPracticus AIA Guide to Decision Trees for Machine Learning and Data ScienceDecision Trees are a class of very powerful Machine Learning model cable of achieving high accuracy in many tasks while being highly…Nov 30, 20188Nov 30, 20188
InTDS ArchivebyDipanjan (DJ) SarkarModel Interpretation StrategiesLearn about model interpretation techniques, limitations and advancesOct 31, 20185Oct 31, 20185
InTDS ArchivebyDipanjan (DJ) SarkarHands-on Machine Learning Model InterpretationA comprehensive guide to interpreting machine learning modelsDec 13, 201823Dec 13, 201823
InTDS ArchivebyParul PandeyMusic Genre Classification with PythonMusic is like a mirror, and it tells people a lot about who you are and what you care about.You are what you stream.Dec 13, 201846Dec 13, 201846
InTDS ArchivebyJavaid NabiHyper-parameter Tuning Techniques in Deep LearningThe process of setting the hyper-parameters requires expertise and extensive trial and error. There are no simple and easy ways to set…Mar 16, 20193Mar 16, 20193